The Timing Report displays enrollments for the program(s) selected with timing data per user. Timing data refers to the Average Days from Entry and Average Days From Exit for a client. This report is useful to determine the timing of data entry for enrollments and exits.
- Navigate to your Reporting Workspace
2. Under the “HMIS Reports” dropdown, select “HMIS Data Entry Timing Report”
3. On the reporting screen: select Date Range, Type, Organization, and Program(s)
Note: The “Programs” field is multi-select!
4. Once the required information is captured, select “Report“
If the reports are running in the background, you’ll see the notifications below.
5. When the report is ready, you will see something like the one below. By clicking on the plus signs, you will be able to see client-level data.
6. To save the report, select the “Save” icon and choose “Excel“. This will save the report in the same formatting you are seeing it in ClientTrack!