This guide serves a purpose of how to generate a By Name List (BNL) Report for Active Clients during certain periods of
their enrollment into a program. This report can be used to view your clients that are actively enrolled in a
program, when they began their enrollment and when they exited at any time during the program. With the
exported BNL report, you will also be able to discover if a client is missing any data elements that may affect other
reports. (ICA, Active Client List Report Guide)
NOTE: If submitting this report for the annual PIT/HIC please do not skip step 11.
Running the Report
1. Log in to ClientTrack and navigate to your Reports workspace.
2. In the menu on the left, click BNLs then select HMIS Active Client List.
3. For the Date Range, select 2/24/2022 for both dates.
4. For Report Type, select Active at Any Point from the drop down menu.
5. For Active Client Method, select Entry/Exit Dates from the drop down menu.
6. Confirm that your Organization has defaulted to select your agency.
7. Check the box for Filter by Programs and select one program to run the report for. This report should be run for individual programs one at a time.
8. Leave the CoC Filter and Sub-population fields empty.
9. For Head of Household, check the box for Include Heads of Households Only.
10. For users, leave the Filter by User box empty (do NOT check).
11. For PII, check the box to Hide PII. NOTE: This step is extremely important to protect your clients’ information.
12. Click Report to see the report in real time, or click Schedule Report to have the report run automatically at a later time.
Reading the Report
In addition to using this report to create a BNL for the PIT/HIC, housing programs can use this report to easily analyze Housing Move-In Dates for clients in their program, without having to queue and wait on an APR or CAPER.
To filter for Housing Move-In Date:
1. Save the report using the Excel Data option.
2. Open the Excel document and add filters to the header row (row 1).
3. Filter column Y, MoveInDate according to which clients you want to view.
- Blanks – clients who have NOT moved into a unit (no Housing Move In Date recorded)
- All, excluding blanks – clients who HAVE a Housing Move In Date recorded
Use this method for any of the columns in the report to only view clients with certain criteria.
Language and information taken from HMIS guides created by ICA: Active Client List Report Guide.