Video Tutorial
Exit Assessment Workflow
1. On the Client Workspace, use Find Client to find the client you want to exit.
2. On the client’s Dashboard, identify the active enrollment that you need to exit.
3. Click the action arrow, then click Exit the Enrollment.
4. Confirm the Exit Date on the first screen. You can backdate this assessment here, if needed. Check the box next to “End Case Assignment” to remove this client from the user’s case load inside HMIS (the caseload displays on the My Case Assignments section of the user’s Home Dashboard).
Note about Exit Destinations: If your client has disappeared and you are not able to complete an exit interview you can choose “No exit interview completed” for exit destination.
5. Record any services provided at exit. Click Save to continue to the next page of the workflow.
6. For each remaining page of the workflow, complete the questions with answers that are true and accurate for your client on their exit date.
Note: If you chose “No exit interview completed” for exit destination, use the “Default Last Assessment” button on each page to complete the assessment.
7. Continue the workflow for all family members. When you come to the end of the workflow, click Finish to close the workflow.
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