Toolkit: CoC Match

Updated on April 24, 2023


This toolkit is intended to gather various HUD resources on Grant Management and CoC Match into one place for easy reference. Housing Forward is not responsible for the publishing or revision of the content below.

CoC Match: Virtual Binder

The virtual binder is a HUD training module that is self-paced and contains all of the resources listed in this toolkit. Housing Forward recommends that you follow the link below and complete the entire virtual binder if you need a comprehensive understanding of CoC Match.

View the Virtual Binder:

At a Glance: CoC Match

This PDF can be downloaded and saved for your reference.

At a Glance: Record Keeping

This PDF can be downloaded and saved for your reference.

Match Requirements in the CoC Program: Video Overview

This short video summarizes the most recent updates to the CoC Program match requirements.

Importance of Documenting Match Under the CoC Program: HUD Podcast

This podcast details documentation requirements for CoC Program Match and answers several frequent questions.

CoC Match FAQ

This FAQ is compiled by HUD. If you still have questions after reviewing all of the resources in this toolkit, the answer to your question may be here.

View the FAQ: