If you have incorrectly recorded a client’s Head of Household (Hoh) status, you can correct the error using an Edit to the Project Entry Workflow, or entry assessment. You will need to change the status for both the client who should be the head of household and the client who was accidentally marked as head of household in error.
The images below show where in the workflow to make these specific edits. If you are unsure how to begin an edit to the entry assessment, please see our Edit Entry Workflow cheat sheet.
It is important that this edit is done from the entry workflow, because the data standards sometimes require different questions for the head of household than they do for adult family members who are not head of household.
Finally, remember that, with very few exceptions for RHY programs, minor family members cannot be the head of household. The system will not allow you to change the head of household to a minor family member.
1. Begin the edit to the entry workflow.
2. On the Basic Client Information page, scroll down and change the Relationship to Head of Household to the correct option (not Self) for the family member who was accidentally marked as HoH. Click Finish to continue.
3. On the Family Members page, find the client who should be marked Head of Household. Scroll to the right and change Relationship to Head of Household to Self. Confirm that the client who was marked as the HoH still has the new status you edited in step 2. Click Save & Close to continue.
4. On the HUD Program Enrollment page, you will also need to change the clients’ Relationship to Head of Household to match what you recorded in steps 2 and 3. Click Save to continue.
5. You should see that the workflow progress bar has updated to list your new Head of Household first. This is one way to confirm that your changes have been saved. Continue through the rest of workflow, answering all new questions for the new head of household.
6. Complete the entire workflow and click Finish to close the workflow.
7. Next to the ClientID there four icons – click on the “expand” icon (the 4th icon) and confirm the Relationship to Head of Household is correct for all clients in the household.