Exporting the CAS Queue

Updated on June 3, 2022



While the CAS Queue has several ways to filter and search for information while viewing the queue inside ClientTrack, there is some helpful information that is not visible on the queue in real time. For example, the CAS Queue cannot be filtered or sorted by the case manager assigned to the client. The steps in this cheat sheet describe how to export the CAS Queue for the purposes of case load management. Exporting the list allows case managers to filter and only view their assigned clients on the queue.




1. Follow the steps to View the CAS Queue.


2. From the CAS Queue, select the Excel Export option.


3. On the Excel Export pop-up window, choose Export as XLSX. This will download an Excel file to your computer.


4. Open the downloaded file. Filter the document for only your clients. Now you have a list of your assigned clients, their CAS Intake Status, and more for the purposes of managing your case load.


Adding a Filter

1. Select the row with the column headers. In this example, the header row is Row 1. Hint: Click the label on the row (1, 2, 3, etc.) to select the entire row at once.


2. Click Data, then Filter.


3. Select the arrow next to a header to filter the data by the information in that column. For this example, filter Column L by your name to find clients which you’re assigned to as Case Manager. Filter Column M to see only clients with a certain CAS Intake Status. This can be done with any column.


Hint: More than 1 filter can be applied at once. If you are missing data from a list, be sure to check the filters and remove filters that may be filtering out some clients.




Exporting the CAS Queue

Updated on June 3, 2022