Video Tutorial
The Document Check feature should only be used for documents that are uploaded for the purposes of CAS, meaning the documentation is needed to get your client onto the HPL or referred to housing. Note that documents uploaded to Document Check are visible to all users with access to the Dallas and Collin Counties CAS organization, which could include users from different agencies.
Uploading Documents
1. Log in to ClientTrack and navigate to your Clients Workspace.
2. Click on your current Organization to open your account settings and change your Organization to Dallas and Collin Counties CAS. If you do not have access to this organization, submit a Spiceworks Helpdesk ticket to request access.
NOTE: You should only change your organization from the Clients Dashboard or from the Home Workspace. Do NOT change your organization at all from the CAS Document Check page. Doing so may causes errors in your document uploads.
3. Find your client by searching using their name or client ID.
4. On the Favorites Menu, under Profile, select Document Check.
5. The Document Check History page displays all documentation currently uploaded for this client. Use the Add New Document Check button to upload a new document.
6. Complete the required fields (marked by *). Note that not all fields are required. However, for Verification of Disability, an Upload File is required for your client to be referred to housing.
Follow the steps below based on whether you are uploading Documentation of Homelessness of Verification of Disability.
Documentation of Homeless
- Document Checklist: Homeless
- Item Requiring Verification: select the type of verification you are uploading
- Housing Status
- Identity
- Homeless
- Acceptable Document: select the document type on file for the client
- Comments: only if needed (optional)
- Confirm the Verification Date is correct
- Click Choose File to upload the file
- Click Save
Verification of Disability
- Document Checklist: Disability
- Item Requiring Verification: Disability
- Acceptable Document: select the type of document you are uploading
- Disability Letter
- SSI Awards Letter
- Comments: only if needed (required)
- Confirm the Verification Date is correct
- Click Choose File to upload the file (required)
- Click Save
7. Once you have uploaded all documents, return to your Client Dashboard. Then, change your organization back to your agency.