
General Assembly and Workgroups

The General Assembly

The General Assembly is a monthly gathering of All Neighbors Coalition members hosted by Housing Forward, which fosters excellent networking and collaboration opportunities through the homeless response system. Meetings are open to the public.



All Neighbors Coalition accomplishes much of its work within workgroups. Workgroups are led by Housing Forward staff, who collaborate with the workgroup members. Through workgroups, All Neighbors members conceive, test, and implement policies and practices that improve the homeless response system to make it more effective for our unhoused neighbors. We encourage members of the All Neighbor Coalition to join a workgroup. 

To join a workgroup, please contact the relevant Housing Forward staff member.

Case Managers Roundtable

Housing Forward hosts a monthly Case Managers Roundtable where case managers throughout the All Neighbors Coalition can discuss best practices and seek assistance from their fellow coalition members for any challenges they might encounter. We hold our Case Managers Roundtable monthly on the last Wednesday of the month, at 10:00am.

Please contact Stephanie Campbell for more information. 

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