Edit Exit Assessments

Updated on January 6, 2022

Video Tutorial



Steps to Edit Exit Assessments


1. Log into ClientTrack and navigate to the Clients Workspace.


2. Find your client in the system.


3. From the client’s Dashboard, scroll down to the enrollments section and click the action arrow next their enrollment in your program. Click the “Edit Exit Workflow” option.


4. Work through each page of the assessment, making any edits where necessary. On any page you make an edit, click Save to continue. If you make no edits to a page, click No Changes to continue.


5. If there are other family members in this household, repeat step 4 for all family members.


6. Work through the entire assessment workflow and click the button that says “Finish” to close your workflow.

Edit Exit Assessments

Updated on January 6, 2022