Video Tutorial
Data Standards Overview
HMIS data element 4.12 Current Living Situation is required for all street outreach, nigh-by-night emergency shelters, services only, and coordinated entry programs. End uses should refer to the HMIS Data Standards Manual for further understanding. This is an occurrence point data element and should be recorded as it occurs according the data standards.
When to Record
Street Outreach
Entry Assessment, Update/During Program Assessment, Annual Assessment, Exit Assessment if contact made with client, at each contact made with the client.
Night-by-night Emergency Shelter
Entry Assessment, Update/During Program Assessment, Annual Assessment, Exit Assessment if contact made with client, when the interaction with the client goes beyond basic a basic provision of the shelter such as discussing a housing plan.
Coordinated Entry
Entry Assessment, Update/During Program Assessment, Annual Assessment, Exit Assessment if contact made with client. Also, per the data standards, anytime any of the following occurs:
1. A Coordinated Entry Assessment or Coordinated Entry Event is recorded; or
2. The client’s living situation changes; or
3. If a Current Living Situation hasn’t been recorded for longer than a community-defined length of time (i.e. longer than 90 days). The CoC must be involved in the determination of “community defined length of time;” (we will defined and send update this document) or
4. Project Start
Recording 4.12 Current Living Situation in HMIS
Inside the workflow
1. Navigate to the Clients Workspace.
2. Current Living Situation is recorded within a workflow. Within the entry, update/during program, annual or exit assessment, enter all required data and progress to the Current Living Situation screen typically will be the last screen in the workflow assessment. Do not skip unless exiting the client and no exit interview was completed.
The location field is not required but can be helpful in finding the client if recorded. The Record Contact field is also not required. This is an old data element. Click Save.
Outside the Workflow
1. Navigate to the Clients Workspace.
NOTE: This data element should only be recorded outside of the workflow when the client has been contacted, but there is no update or change in their situation that would otherwise warrant and Update Assessment to be completed.
2. Find your client in the system. From their dashboard, in the menu on the left, choose Current Living Situation.
3. Record the data element in the same way you would from inside the workflow.
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