In the event that you have a client who has been referred through CAS, you can view details about the client’s referral from the CAS Queue. This information can be helpful during case conferencing and collaborating across the system to support clients in the referral process.
Steps to View Referral Details
1. Viewing a referral for a client begins at the CAS Queue. If you need assistance navigating to the CAS Queue, please see the cheat sheet Viewing the CAS Queue, then continue to step 2 of this cheat sheet.
2. Search for your client on the CAS Queue.
3. After locating your client in the list, click the action arrow next to their name and choose “Referrals” from the options that appear.
4. On the referrals page, check the box for “Only Show Referrals Made” and click Search. This will allow you to see referrals that have been made for this client, and view the Referral Result. You will be able to view the project where the client was referred, the provider, the date, and other details listed in the sort bar at the top of the referral list.
5. If you want to see more details about the referral, click the View button next to the the referral. The referral details screen should be viewable, but not editable.